Friday, May 17, 2013

Comfort Which Comes From Discomfort

I was reflecting on the daily readings from yesterday, Thursday May 16th, and something that really stuck out to me was the end of the first reading in Acts. The Lord comes to visit Paul to tell him that that he is to travel to Rome to preach the word of God. What stuck out to me was that just before Paul had done nothing but cause chaos in Jerusalem  You might say he caused trouble and God ordered him to leave. However, it seems to me that Paul did exactly what God wanted. Paul has spoken directly to them calling them out for their misdeeds. We all have those moments when someone points out our negative behavior. As much as we want to deny it, we know it is true and this makes us very uncomfortable. We react by either changing our ways or we avoid admitting it so we argue. This is what Paul has done, he has made the people uncomfortable.

There are times when I have gone to some churches and it seems that everyone is happy as if evil does not even exist. I find that this bothers me more than it comforts me, why? Part of me, as the daughter of a physics teacher, so the law that for every action this is an equal and opposite reaction applies to every aspect in life for me. People that are always happy bother me because I find myself confused because LIFE. It ain't easy, and we all know it. Everyone has their cross to carry.

The truth is that life isn't easy. Sin draws us to things like pre-marital sex, money, drugs, or alcohol. People do these things consciously because it seems cool. Subconsciously we do these things to try to fulfill  needs but in the improper way or we use them as a means of numbing the pain which we all endure. Over time we become tolerant of the pain and we forget that it is even there. It takes someone like Paul to speak up in order to make us feel uncomfortable so that we may see the light. This post is not about the pro-life debate, that is another topic for another day, but I would like to share with you a more modern example of how we all called to bring discomfort to the world through God. This is the video of a woman who survived an abortion and how her birth created discomfort. If you do not have the time to watch the entire 10 minute video, just watch the 35 second clip from 1:35-2:10.

Now I don't mean to say that peace does not exist. Many saints and people today find their peace through their suffering  We all suffer no matter what because it is a fact of life and many of us feel alone in our suffering. My question though is why? If you have even the slightest inkling that God exists, why would you not ask him for his help? The difference between those who suffer and those who suffer yet still have peace, is not that they are stronger than us but rather, they are suffering for and with God. When you suffer for and with God you no longer have to do it alone because his loving child has freely offered his life in order to help you.

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